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Weekly Devotional from January 17, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Devotionals for 2005
Week 2

Blessings and peace to each of you in Christ Jesus our Lord,

How was your first week in the new year? I imagine there are a number of things that need tending to about now. If we could pause together for a few moments, I pray you will be energized and refreshed when you step away from this devotional.

With the Christmas season coming to a close and the new year already rushing in on us, I am still reminded of the extreme wonder and love of God to come to earth to visit us in the flesh. This week the joy that I have comes from a heavenly source. Actually, the angels proclaimed it in a field outside Bethlehem. We know the story. Think with me for a moment about the magnitude of that announcement. You may not have seen it. Read with me the Scripture for this week.

Scripture to ponder: Luke 2:10-11 - "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'"

Remember the true meaning of joy? It's all about the Savior, Jesus Christ. The angels know the meaning of eternal joy because they are always in God's presence. They declare to us today in 2005 that Jesus has come to be the Savior of anyone who will place their trust in Him. The angels announced that this Jesus is for you and me and all people. That includes us and those around us who will accept Him. What wonderful joy we can have in our hearts today! Jesus abides with us. (John 15)

Do we want to keep this joy to ourselves? I hope not. How can we as Christians share this amazing joy with others? Whether at home, work, school, the store, or on the byways, we can tell others about Jesus. Share His joy with someone today. It's as simple as sharing what Jesus means to you. You and I, like the angels, can proclaim that Jesus is Savior and Lord. Ask Him for words that will show joy in your testimony. Wow, what a pleasure it will be!

May the proclamation, "I bring you good news of great joy" -- a Savior, Christ Jesus the Lord, is come, continue to be announced through each of us this week.

Your friends at Women in Discipleship,
Sandra Davis, Director


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