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Weekly Devotional from January 31, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Devotionals 2005
Week 4

Warm greetings in Jesus our Lord,

Time is marching on. Today is here; tomorrow is around the corner. What didn't get done in 2004 will hopefully be accomplished in 2005, and the first month is almost over. Much has been accomplished this month. I for one am very hopeful for the months and year ahead. There is much to be thankful for. In the Scripture to ponder this week we get a glimpse into the heart of the Apostle Paul on this subject.

Scripture to ponder: Philippians 1:3-5 - "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now."

I am grateful for each of you. Whether you are local or across the vast ocean in a far off land, each of you holds a dear place in my heart and with our Women in Discipleship team. I have met most of you, and each week as I write these devotionals, I'm reminded of our relationship. I praise the Lord for each of you. This passage of Scripture shows that Paul delighted in his relationship with the believers at Philippi. He remembered these believers and prayed for them with joy. Why was he so joyful in prayer for them? They were sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he was their partner in ministry. We also are partners. Isn't that wonderful? :)

That's how I feel about each of you. As you work and as I work, we are ministering together in ways that individually could never be accomplished. It is a privilege to share in the gospel ministry with each of you. God has placed us exactly where He knows we can be His best ambassadors. It is our responsibility to go forth with the gospel and share the good news. As we do this, His kingdom is being harvested. We have the Holy Spirit as our guide and the Bible as our manual. Isn't it wonderful to be on the winning team?

Please share with us how you are ministering in your field of service. We love to share the joy of what Jesus is doing in our midst and with one another.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Phil. 1:2)
Sandra Davis and the team at Women in Discipleship


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