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Weekly Devotional from February 7, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Devotionals for 2005
Week 5

Grace and peace to each of you in Christ,

When things go wrong it is often hard to consider all things with joy. Today might be one of those days for you. It is for me. It's nothing earth shattering, just an unexpected inconvenience. I have an opportunity now to put into practice the joy of the Lord. With that thought, I can choose to walk in victory and witness the way God can shine through me. That is what I choose to do. Maybe you are dealing with something that isn't pleasant today. The Scripture to ponder this week is one that I am energized by.

Scripture to ponder: Romans 15:13 - "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

When I consider this verse of Scripture, I see that God has given me His divine joy and peace. This gift is in me because of the power of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian I can "abound" in this hope. So the difficulty I am experiencing today will pass, but the power of the Holy Spirit is mine forever. This is what I choose to focus on for my day and my week. What about you?

Joy is our focus for this year. Today we can have a good day because as Christians we have God's joy residing in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lest we forget, let's share His joy and not let circumstances rob us of the peace that comes with it. I feel better already.   :)

May you share with me the joy of our great salvation in Jesus.
Sandra Davis for the Women in Discipleship team


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