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Weekly Devotional from April 18, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Devotionals 2005
Week 15

This week we conclude the verse in Ecclesiastes. (If you haven't read the previous two devotionals, it would be helpful to do so. You can access them on our website at womenindiscipleship.org.)

Scripture to ponder: Ecclesiastes 2:26 - "For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting, so that he may give to one who is good in God's sight. This too is vanity and striving after wind."

From a brief study of this passage (you may want to read verses 17-26), one can see that earthly labor is fleeting. Only what is done by God's hand with a willing and surrendered heart will be pleasing and rewarding.

Solomon had worked hard in his pursuits. He was blessed with great wisdom and wealth. What burdened him was passing on these enormous possessions and power to his children, because they were not walking in the ways of God. Solomon became disenchanted, and everything seemed like vanity to him.

What a great lesson this is for each of us. Worldly pursuits that yield worldly gain can produce worldly vanity and loss. Solomon saw in this a key to life on earth.

God alone gives the contentment of a high and holy pursuit. From an eternal perspective, God's wisdom, knowledge, and joy are all that count. This life is a testing ground. Will we pursue worldly gain? Will we mix worldly things with godly pursuits? Or will we be sold out for godliness and pursue eternal glory? This is the daily testing, isn't it?

The contrast is clear, dear ones. Our choices are to chase after the wind by pursuing things of this world or to embrace the loving arms of Jesus and the joy that comes from fellowship with our loving God.

May we choose Jesus in our pursuits today!
Enjoy pursuing Him,
Sandra Davis for Women in Discipleship


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