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Weekly Devotional from June 6, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Devotionals for 2005

Week 22

An acronym for JOY can be Jesus, Others, You. At Christmas, my family gathers the children together for a Day of JOY. We explain this theme to them of Jesus first, others second, and yourself last. We share stories, we do a project to help the needy, and we talk about our Christian heritage and the true meaning of Christmas.

Scripture to ponder:
Proverbs 17:22a - "A joyful heart is good medicine."
Proverbs 15:13a - "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face."

My family seeks God's face in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving in order to minister His loving touch in the lives of our dear little ones. They gather for our Day of Joy, and what a blessing it is to hear their joy in learning the true meaning of why Jesus came to earth. They also learn about the goodness that comes in sharing the gifts in our lives with others.

During times of wholesome fellowship with other believers, my spirit is uplifted. The energy of my soul is renewed, and my heart bursts with desire to worship God. I am strengthened when Christ is present through His people, and His name is being blessed. The true source of lasting joy comes in the gift of Jesus Christ.

May we each desire to share Jesus. I pray that the joy in our hearts will result in worship and praise as we seek Jesus first, others second, and ourselves third.

Experience the JOY of Jesus this week by sharing His story with others,

Sandra Davis for the Women in Discipleship team


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