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Weekly Devotional from June 20, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 24

Have you noticed that this time of year is full of adventure as well as planning and preparation for the rest of the year? Summer days remind me of family fun, ice cream, watermelon, and all the swimming that can fill a day. Fall will come, but for now time to reflect on the previous months yields a joy that all is well with my soul.

Scripture to ponder: Matthew 2:10 - "When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy."

I may have shared this verse with you before, but I am so amazed how joy and rejoicing are coupled together here as complements to each other. This is the story of the wise men who saw that amazing and miraculous star when Jesus was born. They had joyful expectation of what they would find and what would surely be their finest moment on earth. They were not disappointed. I see these words, and I too have joy in knowing that the King of the universe, Jesus Christ, is coming soon. I can have a joyful moment right now because I know His plans for me include a hope and a future with Him.

This summer there may be vacations, visits, banquets, weddings, and many such gatherings. However, I'm sure you will agree with me that the joy of Jesus shining in my heart and yours is the best thing we have to reflect upon. When I put aside my busy schedule, the plans, the work, and the worry and take time to look to the heavens, see the stars, and remember that Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star, then I can smile with joyful confidence that all is well with my soul.

The wise men were indeed wise. They rejoiced with great joy in the hope of the Savior. Have a great week pondering the joy of your salvation in Jesus!

Have an abundant week in Christ Jesus,
Sandra Davis for the team at Women in Discipleship

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