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Weekly Devotional from July 4, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 26

The Great Commission given by Christ is a serious call yet a great challenge to many of us. It's easy to share our faith with one another on a Sunday morning, in prayer group, or a Bible Study. But what about sharing our story at the grocery store or the doctor's office? I speak for myself when I say that this is not easy. I make a lot of excuses, but the reality is that we are called to evangelize. Why?

Scripture to ponder: Luke 15:7 - "I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

Jesus said these words. He was specific in this declaration. There is joy in heaven over those who are being saved. Doesn't that make you want to be a part of the action here and now?

This past week my husband ran in a race at a local church where one of the main goals was to share the gospel with all the runners after the race. When he returned home, he shared with me the excitement of listening as evangelism took place. He was given several tools for the task of sharing the gospel. He also teaches Sunday School, and guess what he used to open his Sunday School hour? The salvation cube, which was a hit. It tells the gospel story to kids and is fun and practical.

For some of us, evangelism is an area we need to work on. We can be equipped for this. At present, I am participating in a training class to help me in this area. I'm asking the Lord to give me His confidence for the privilege of sharing the gospel with others. I am excited for what He will do as I willingly seek to improve in this area. What about you?

I am excited to be a member of the body of Christ. We can actively participate in bringing joy into heaven through our witness of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to the whole world. Let's get going! Tell someone today who doesn't know about Jesus. Let's share this amazing joy!

Until next week, dear ones,

Sandra Davis for the team at Women in Discipleship

Luke 15:10 - "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."


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