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Weekly Devotional from July 18, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 28

I come from a long line of Slovak immigrants. My grandparents are from present day Slovokia. My physical heritage is even engraved on a wall at Ellis Island in New York City.

Scripture to ponder: Psalm 119: 111 (NAS) "I have inherited Thy testimonies forever, For they are the joy of my heart."

When I ponder the verse above I am reminded of the great joy of the eternal inheritance that has been given to me by my Savior and Lord.

Psalm 119 is a marathon of joy written by another recipient of the salvation that is found only in Jesus Christ. He expressed his love for God through the Scripture which he treasured. His love for God's Word is written all over Psalm 119. It is a witness to the inheritance that he treasured and is a wonderfully inspired chapter of God's holy Word. Again in verse 162 he says: "I rejoice at Your Word, as one who finds great spoil."

We have great opportunity to read and ponder God's Word every day. Jesus is revealed through every inspired page. We can read about the inheritance that is ours every time we read the Bible.

From Proverbs 4:23 we are told to guard the heart because from it flows the springs of life. When we study, ponder, and pray Scripture we are guarding the inheritance that is ours as Christians and in the process we can pass on our joy with the people in our daily pathway.

Have you read from the Book this week? Your eternal inheritance is written in every page. Enjoy!

Blessings to each of you today,

Sandra Davis for the Women in Discipleship team

FYI If you would like to order a copy of the Psalm 119 study just hit reply with your mailing address and we will send you a copy free of charge. Just ask!


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