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Weekly Devotional from July 25, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 29

I'm continually amazed at how blessed I am to be in the wonderful family of the one true God. Some days I just ponder what it will be like in heaven when I'm set free of the flesh that tries to take away my joy.

Scripture to ponder: Psalm 149:5 (NAS) "Let the godly ones exult in glory; Let them sing for joy on their beds."

As we go about our day we are actually walking into the future and one day we will realize fully the glory that is only partially revealed now. Isn't that a delightful thought to ponder?

The psalmist knew that there would be a wonder to behold one day in heaven but for the time being he would sing for joy in the night. As he pondered the glory of the Lord in the night watches he was building a foundational strength for the days to come.

In Psalm 42:8 we also see that "His song" (God's song) will be with him and prayer to God was in his heart at night. Again in Psalm 63: 6 the night watches yielded a wonderful time of meditation for the psalmist. Finally in Psalm 77:6 the psalmist says: "I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart; and my spirit ponders." As I consider these amazing verses I see with my heart the true joy of being a believer in Jesus Christ. The joy is engraved on my heart and I can sing for joy because I have the amazing privilege of singing, praying and sharing with my Lord. He is the One who gives me the very song I sing with joy. Isn't that just incredible! How is your godly joy? When is your favorite time to sing, pray and ponder the One who gave you this wonderful joy? Let's share with one another the joy of the Lord today!

Share with us some of your joy this week.

May the Lord bless each of you completely this week,

Sandra Davis for the Team at Women in Discipleship

Please continue to pray for us as we share the joy of the Lord through this ministry.


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