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Weekly Devotional from August 8, 2005

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Weekly Devotional from August 8, 2005

Women in Discipleship (sm)

Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 31

Living in Florida in the summer time is a predictable experience. The weather is hot and steamy. The rains are steady and the threat of thunder storms seem to be endless. This year is no exception. We have had threatening weather earlier this year that I can remember when. It's interesting too because the sounds of weather make for interesting music.

Scripture to ponder: Psalm 89:12 (NAS) "The north and the south, Thou has created them; Tabor and Hermon shout for joy at Thy name."

The two names mentioned in this verse refer to places in Israel. The verse previous tells us that the heavens and the earth were created by the LORD. The verses after this one describe Creator God and tell us that He is mighty, righteous and justice and they are the foundation that he resides over.

As I witness the weather in this southern state (Florida) I recognize the power of the Creator God and how He goes to perfect lengths to enjoy His creation. We don't have mountains here with their snow capped peaks but we do have liquid snow. The beauty of the lightening and the rain shout the joy of His creation all around. I particularly enjoy the lovely glow of rain after a storm just before or after sunset. It's a silent reminder to me of the beautiful joy that is found in Jesus Christ our Savior.

In Psalm 89:15 the Psalmist writes: "How blessed are the people who know the joyful sounds!" How beautiful is the good news of Jesus to us? He demonstrates His creation power in every plant, tree, rain storm, cloud, bird and tree. Then there is you ... .and me! Wow! Such are the things I choose to ponder today. Have a great time this week enjoying the world around you.

Blessings to all on this rainy but "green" Florida summer day,

Sandra Davis for the team


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