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Weekly Devotional from August 22, 2005

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Weekly Devotional for August 22, 2005

Women in Discipleship (sm)

Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 33

Last week we looked into the Book of Deuteronomy where the LORD instructed the people how to share true joy in the midst of their celebration. Only one way can true joy permeate the soul of a person. This joy comes by only One means. Salvation in Jesus and the "blessing" of Himself in the midst of life.

Scripture to ponder: Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." (NKJV)

David wrote this Psalm of trust (faith) in the keeping of his life from danger and of the joy he would experience one day in the presence of the LORD forever.

David had joy in the midst of his trials because he continually saw the hand of God guiding his life. The Psalms are filled with reminders written by David of the blessings God had granted him during his life. He used the blessings to stir joy within his heart and these blessings permeated his worship life. This is an example of how the Israelites kept the joy alive in their midst. Remember last week? Sharing in the blessings God has done for us is a key to the welling up of joy in our lives today.

We each share in many blessings at the bidding of the awesome right hand of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Take time today to write out blessings God has given you in and through your salvation in Jesus Christ. Use the space below to do this now. (I urge you to print this page and do it. If you don't have a printer take out a sheet of paper and write out what you are thankful for today.)


Are you experiencing the genuine joy that these reminders bring? As you do you will be compelled to share this amazing joy with those around you. Just maybe the Body of Christ will grow because of your testimony of His faithfulness to you!

Share joy abundantly today!

Sandra Davis for the team at Women in Discipleship


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