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Weekly Devotional from October 17, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005

Week 41

My little grandson is 5 year old. He is an active and kind little guy. When he is given something he usually responds with a "thank you." Sometimes him mom has to remind him however. He is now in kindergarten and is enjoying the friendship of kids his age and the teaching he is receiving. Manners are important and as my daughter told me recently, it's what you taught me mom. As I read scripture I also see the importance of kindness and demonstrated thankfulness.

Scripture to ponder: 1 Thessalonians 3: 9 "For what thanks can we render to God for you in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account."

When the Apostle Paul wrote these words he was in extreme affliction. He had earnestly prayed for the Thessalonian believers but was very concerned about their faith. His hope was that they were standing firm. When Timothy came to Paul and told him that they were holding strong in their faith Paul was overjoyed! He writes: "for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord." (v.8) These are the words spoken just before our Scripture to ponder. How powerful these words are. We each delight to receive news that someone we are concerned about is holding to the faith of Jesus Christ even in extreme circumstances. This strengthens or faith and gives us joy.

The story doesn't stop there. From verse 10 we read: "As we night and day keep praying most earnestly that we may see your face, and may complete what is lacking in your faith." Paul wanted to come back to see these believers to teach them more of the Gospel message. Isn't that what our hearts desire should be. We can pray and plan and see God work out the details of His plan for us in this request.

Paul's goal was to establish his Christian friends in the faith and to see "blameless and holy living" before God as the fruit of his faithful prayer request on their behalf. Isn't this also something we each can have as a prayer on behalf of our loved one and co-workers and neighbors? Let's be like Paul and plead before Holy God on behalf of those we love today. Through this true joy blooms with a wonderful fragrance.

May we have a prayer packed week asking the Lord to keep those we love on the true faith highway!

With affection for all of you,

Sandra Davis and the team at Women in Discipleship

p.s. Did you know that our mailing address is:
Women in Discipleship
P.O. box 694
Goldenrod, Fl 32733

A letter from you would be so delightful!


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