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Weekly Devotional from November 21, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005
Week 46
There is so much to look forward to. When I read the Bible and all the promises that our Lord gives to us I am filled with joy. The future is secure for all of us who believe in Jesus (John 14:6).
Scripture to ponder: Isaiah 29: 19 “The humble also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.”
This verse and the ones before and after describe the future messianic age where the status of the beloved will be elevated and filled with rejoicing.
I find it interesting to see that a description of the believers in this verse is that of “humility.” As a Christian this one quality is significant as a signpost of genuine faith and belief. I think of Jesus as the perfect model (He is of course) for us. His status was royal yet His heart was humble. Only doing what His Father instructed, He was humble and obedient. He had very little in human terms yet He possessed everything. A true thought to ponder in our society!
How does the world view you and me? If you asked a friend how they see you what might their answer be? We are all made to reflect Jesus. (Remember last weeks devotional?) Is humility a part of our new life in Christ? I hope so.
I remember all the blessed are the… passages of Matthew 5. Do these in any way reflect our hearts in Christ. And what does the world see through our lives today?
If we as Christians had more humility maybe it would surprise the world? There will be perfect joy in future history because from Jesus flows the fountain of joy. Maybe today we can begin to examine more closely our “contentment level” and in humility consider the treasures of heaven and forsake some of our earthly longings. In doing so just maybe Jesus will be seen through us more brightly. Are we up to the challenge?
Consider the true joy….Jesus
Have a great week dear ones,
Sandra Davis for the team at W.inD.


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