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Weekly Devotional from December 5, 2005

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005
Week 48
Why does it seem so hard to submit to authority? Daily I have to be reminded by the Word of God that without leadership in my life this world and all I hold dear would just collapse into disorder, anarchy, and disloyalty.
Verse to ponder:  Hebrews 13:17 “Obey your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.”
Now this verse speaks of Spiritual Elders in the faith. It’s an awesome responsibility to tend to the flock of Jesus Christ. Pastor/Elders are accountable for their actions. It is beholden to them to, in humility, administer God’s love, discipline, accurate teaching, preaching and spiritual counseling to the people God has given them.
The joy comes back to the Pastor/Elder when the loving hand of Jesus is demonstrated through these men of God as they shepherd with tenderness, compassion, strength of spirit, and wisdom. As this care is poured out toward the flock the flock in return embraces the Pastor/Elder and the joy that is addressed in our verse is evident all around.
It’s so important for us as believers to know God’s Word, His precepts, the structure of God’s church as taught in Scripture. As we study and pray the Holy Spirit instructs us in the whole counsel of God.
The true church is filled with joy yet today many churches sound like they are rejoicing where in fact Jesus is grieving over the fading vision of reaching the lost and discipling the saved. How is your joy today? Are you committed to a joyful fellowship where people are hearing the gospel of “repentance” and salvation in Jesus alone? Are there discipleship groups that you can participate in and invite your friends too? If so then your church is sharing the true Gospel and is fulfilling the Great Commission. That is at the heart of Jesus’ message to all of us. If there isn’t one how can you help in beginning one?
It’s important to examine where we worship and what is being accomplished. My hope is that we each would be a willing participant for the cause of Christ. 
Now these are some thoughts that we each need to ponder. Jesus is coming soon. We need to be about His business.
May we each be found faithful,
Sandra Davis for the Women in Discipleship team


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