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Weekly Devotional from September 3, 2007

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Women In Discipleship
Weekly Devotionals for 2007 – The Psalms
September - Week 36
Weekly Reading:  Psalm 54
(Go to www.BibleGateway.com for complete text)
"Save me, O God, by Your name, and vindicate me by Your strength."  Psalm 54:1
These This Psalm would appear to be written at the same time as Psalm 52, during David's flight from Saul. Here we see a plea by David for God to vindicate him.

Two things stand out. First, we see David refer to "Your Name." He knew that the "Name" signified the individual personally. God is real! He has a specific name…names. (To Bear His Name is a study of many names of God, available through our ministry) God also has given us His Covenant protection, and David knew this very well. Second, he begins prayer with a plea for deliverance. He pleads twice (v.2) by saying "give ear and hear my prayer." He is hurting and in emotional distress. God's strength would vindicate him!

When believers have been maligned, this heart felt plea in prayer is very appropriate. David knew what people were saying about him. Some called him a traitor, others despised him. Saul sought to kill him. It was in this setting that David runs to God. He knew God, and he trusted God for his full vindication. We have seen, and will continue to see in these Psalms, David's desire to walk in God's will and not his own.

"Behold, God is my Helper; the LORD is with those who uphold my life." We each are called to help one another in thick and thin; good or bad. The Lord is victorious over all our enemies! The Lord is with us in the aid of the righteous who stand for His truth. May we be a friend to those who are persecuted, and may we have friends who come to our aid when we are under attack like David was.

Sandra Davis
Director for Women in Discipleship



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