Our Hope in Christ
Week Nineteen - 2019
Many believers are being persecuted for their sure Hope in Christ Jesus and the joy of heaven with Him. The early church was persecuted severely as well. We see the Apostle Paul being tried by the Sanhedrin (the Jewish counsel). Paul knew that two divisions of belief were involved. One believed in the resurrection of the dead and the other did not. Paul stated: Brothers, (He was a fellow Jew) I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, it is with respect to the HOPE of the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial. Acts 23:6b
Paul had a major conversion. He was witness to Jesus as his Savior and Lord. He knew that Jesus is the Messiah and that He was raised from the dead. He knew that Jesus would come again. His Hope of the resurrection was sure. He wanted everyone to know!
May our boldness count for lives being transformed as well.
From my heart to yours,
Sandra J. Mikler Davis, Director
Women in Discipleship, Inc.