Devotionals 2020
The Root of Righteousness
Week Fifteen
The righteousness of Christ is a free gift to believers. We are to live in such a way as to demonstrate to unbelievers the blessing we have of faith in Jesus Christ and His gift to us of the powerful Holy Spirit.
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. Romans 14:17-19
Holy and obedient living is the hallmark for genuine faith, and God the Father identifies and recognizes our faithfulness to Him. This peace assured to us comes by way of the Holy Spirit who gives us this loving harmony with God the Father and with each other. (Galatians 5:23)
May our lives exemplify Christ, and may the people around us recognize our joy in believing -- even in the Hard Times of today! Amen.
From my heart to yours,
Sandra J. Mikler Davis, Director
Women in Discipleship, Inc.