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Weekly Devotional from February 21, 2022

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Why Genesis?
Week 7

When I consider the Doctrine of Creation I have to always keep in mind the whole realm of all things. For example, "everything" includes the biological, the moral and the spiritual! That's huge! I have to consider the question: Who is in control? If there is no control then where did the moral law originate? Who is sovereign after all? Who is the one who rules?
My concern is that evolutionists have invented a theory that only a sovereign holy God could create. Evolutionists don't talk about a God – the God of the Bible. They try to kill Him! If they can come up with another way then they can eliminate our Lawgiver, Judge and people can live without guilt or consequences. I see this happening in a big way in our day!
As Pastor John MacArthur states: If we just kind of summed up these two alienations, the materialistic view would say ultimate reality is impersonal matter. No god exists. The Christian view says Ultimate reality is an infinite, personal living God. (Sermon JMC Genesis 1, p.4)
This message is from the LORD who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him.
Zechariah 12:1

From my heart to yours,
Sandra J. Mikler Davis for
Women in Discipleship, inc.


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