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Weekly Devotional from November 16, 2022

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Why Genesis?
Week 45

Creation - Biblical Doctrine
As we begin to close this Devotional series, I would like to challenge you to consider the calculated measure of time from a Biblical Creation perspective. Time and days have major significance in the history, dates and genealogies recorded in the Bible.
Genesis is the book of Origins.
This book gives us a time line for all of the rest of History. It's essential to understanding who we are and how we fit into the timeline of God's creative design and purpose for mankind.

The beginning of history can be calculated. Genesis begins the time. In the beginning we see day and night. Seven in all.
Genesis 2 and 3 explain the fall of man. Sin breaks our perfect relationship with God and man will die.
Genesis 3:15 is the Promise for mankind. In Genesis 4 we begin to see heritage – family lines. Genesis 5 describes Adam's family line in times and years up until Noah.
Then in Genesis 6-10 comes the days of Noah. Did you see 120 years mentioned? Noah and his family (8 in all) would see rain for 40 days (7:12). Then comes the Noatic Covenant of the Rainbow.
Genesis 11 describes how languages came into being. In Genesis 12 we see the man Abram come on the scene thus begins the History of a nation. Abram, a Gentile, will become the father of the nation of Israel.
Genesis 10-11 gives a genealogy time line up until Abram. (See Matthew 1:17). The genealogy of Mary, the mother of Jesus, has a time line that goes back to Adam.
(See Luke 3:23-38).

From my heart to yours,
Sandra J. Mikler Davis for
Women in Discipleship, inc.


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