The Samaritan Woman
Jesus' ministry only lasted for a brief three-year period, during which Jesus traveled from town to town and also observed the festivals in Jerusalem. He would heal, preach to, and fellowship with those who received Him. He spent time in and around Galilee then moved toward Jerusalem by traveling through Samaria.
During the exile, the Jews who were left in the land intermarried with foreigners and the resulting race became known as the Samaritans. Because of this intermarriage, they were considered a defiled people. (2 Kings 17:24) Part of the Jewish Law stated that Samaritans were "unclean," and the Jews were to stay away from them. Hostility in Jesus' day toward Samaritans was extreme and bitter.
The Samaritans held to a form of worship of Jehovah. They had worship centers at Gerizim and had a form of the Pentateuch, but they also worshipped Baal and other false gods. Jesus had instructed His disciples to go first to the "lost sheep of Israel." (Matt. 10:5-6) Yet Jesus still cared about the Samaritans. He would bring salvation to this mixed race of people as well. Jesus alone is the one who saves. (John 14:6) Jesus was not concerned about what others thought. He would go wherever He was led to go. This day He was led to travel through the region of Samaria.
- Read John 4:3-38. Where did Jesus choose to rest? What time was it?
- Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for water. Why do you think she responded like she did? (v.9)
- In John 4:7-14, what did Jesus say to this woman about Himself and the gift that He offered?
- Look up the following verses and explain what "living water" really is.
John 4:14: John 7:37-39: Revelation 21:6: Revelation 22:1-2, 17:
- Why did the Samaritan woman want this water at first?
- What did Jesus ask the woman next? (v.16) How did she respond?
- How did the woman view Jesus after His accurate response to her? (vv.17-18)
- What was Jesus really saying to this "unclean" foreigner? (vv.21-24)
- What did Jesus declare to this sinful woman in John 4:26?
The Samaritan woman was a religious person, who although living a sinful life knew the practices of the Jews. Her mixed-up religion was a form of godliness. She was familiar with the prophecies about the Messiah. "I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ): when that One comes, He will declare all things to us." (John 4:25) Her heart was ready for the revelation. She had mixed up theology, but her spirit was ready to hear. Jesus did not disappoint her.
On the other hand, the Jews had all the writings of the Law and the Prophets, but they did not have a spiritual appetite for truth. For these reasons, Jesus emphasized very clearly that to believe one must have a desire for redemption and a heart for truth as revealed through the Word of God. The Samaritan woman entered into a relationship with God through Jesus the Messiah because she believed.
- Jesus knows the time and place when a person will be saved. Think about when you received the living water of the gospel, and praise God for His perfect timing in your life.
- Jesus is colorblind to race; He wants all men to be saved. How ready are you to share the living water with someone different than yourself?
- There is only one true living water--Jesus. What are you doing with the message of faith in Jesus Christ? Who do you need to share it with today?