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The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Day 1

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The Blessedness of Boldness
The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Week 1
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Week 2
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Deborah - Week 3
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Abigail - Week 4
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Esther - Week 5
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Lydia - Week 6
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  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)
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    The Midwives (Shiphrah and Puah) / Jochebed


    During the course of this seven-week study, we will search the Scripture to learn about the Blessedness Of Boldness. Together we will examine the lives of a number of women who God used to bring about His plan for the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the furthering of the kingdom of God through the church in the New Testament.

    This week we'll look at the lives of the two midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, and Jochebed, the mother of Moses. These three women demonstrated character, faith, and courage in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds. Their lives can help each of us learn to demonstrate these godly traits, walk with confidence in the challenges and pathways of life, and be part of furthering Christ's kingdom here on earth. In a real sense, we'll be passing on their life lessons through our lives to those who come after us. Let's get started.


    The Midwives (Shiphrah and Puah)

    1. Read Exodus 1:1-14, and describe the concern the new king of Egypt had regarding the "people of the sons of Israel."

    2. In Exodus 1:10 the king used the phrase "deal wisely" regarding the people of Israel. (NAS) Describe what that would mean to a worldly person or nation today. What order did the king give in Exodus 1:15-16?

    3. Write the names of the two Hebrew midwives. (Ex. 1:15) Why do you suppose their names are given here?

    4. Read Exodus 1:15-22. Explain the command given to the two Hebrew midwives and how they responded to it.

    5. According to Exodus 1:17, whose command were they truly obedient to?

    6. How were these women blessed for their boldness in defying the king's command? (vv.19-21)

    7. How would you describe the words of the two midwives to the king about the Hebrew women giving birth? What would you have done? (vv.18-19)

    8. How would you explain their response?

    9. God blessed them because they decided to honor Him rather than the worldly king. Their fear of God was a healthy thing that led to blessing. How might this help you with a decision in your life that would require you to go against the world's view and have a healthy fear of God in the choice you make? Explain.


    1. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. (Prov. 1:7) How are you showing the fear of God in your life today?

    2. God is King of the nations. (I Chron. 29:10-13) How often do you pray for those in authority? Do you trust God that He is in control, even in the events of nations?

    3. To fear God brings blessings. What blessings have you received this week because of your obedience to the Lord?


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