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Lydia - Day 5

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    Philippians 1-4

    Paul wrote this letter to the believers in Philippi while he was in jail. As you read this book, place yourself in Lydia's house with all the believers who would have gathered there. Mark in each chapter the things that:

    1. Remind you of Lydia and her faith
    2. Speak to you about faith in Jesus and boldness for Christ
    3. Encourage you as you get to know Paul, a fellow laborer who was in chains for his faith
    Remember that this letter is for all of us who believe. Enjoy!

    1. Read chapter 1, and mark the things listed above. Write your thoughts.

    2. Read chapter 2 in the same way, and record your insights/

    3. Write what you learn from chapter 3, after reading it and marking significant things.

    4. Finally, read chapter 4, and list your observations.

    5. Summarize what has impacted you most from this week's study.


    Lydia is definitely worthy to be included with other marvelous Women Of Faith. She had a yearning within that was only satisfied by salvation through Jesus Christ. God saw the desire of her soul, and He had a plan to fill that hunger. He used the Apostle Paul, who arrived at the right time and obediently shared the good news of Jesus' atoning death on the cross for the sins of the world. God prepared Lydia's heart to receive this message. She believed and was saved. She shared the news of this miraculous gift with her household, and God mercifully opened their hearts to the gospel as well.

    In the same place (Philippi), God demonstrated another act of mercy and grace. The jailer who was assigned to guard Paul and Silas also received God's marvelous grace. This man was at the point of death physically and spiritually, but God rained down on him the awesome gift of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. In just a few hours, God revealed the gospel through Paul and Silas to the whole household of the lowly jailer. Joy came to the church in Philippi, and new converts believed in the one true God and Jesus Christ His son. All this took place after two men in a jail cell gave praise to Jesus, despite their severe circumstances. (1 Thess. 5:16-18)

    With these two households (Lydia's and the jailer's), the church was born in this area of Europe. Lydia's salvation led to a great awakening in this region of the world. To begin the first church in Philippi, God chose a woman of status who had a seeking heart and a lowly jailer who recognized his need. We can be encouraged by Lydia, a woman of earthly means and spiritual hunger. She demonstrated a Blessedness of Boldness that led to a well established church in her city.

    We see in the letter to the Philippians the beautiful fragrance of a church that practiced the gospel message Jesus taught. Paul wrote of their joy, prayer, generous support, and love for God, Christ and one another. These Christians shared generously and prayed fervently. God honored them, and we are blessed to see the heart of their truly godly fellowship.

    God indeed hears the prayers of those who earnestly seek Him. Shouldn't we also seek Him in prayer and fellowship, always demonstrating the joy of our salvation? May we be bold and blessed in our walk of faith as well!


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