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Abigail - Day 5

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  • Abigail - Week 4
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  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
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  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Esther - Week 5
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    1. Read 1 Samuel 25:32-35. Using your own words, describe David's heart-warming response to Abigail's plea.

    2. Who sent Abigail to David?

    3. Explain David's gratitude toward Abigail in verses 33-34. What did he see?

    4. How did David receive her gifts? (v.35)

    5. What condition was Nabal in when Abigail returned home? (v.36)

    6. Was she wise to wait until morning to tell Nabal the whole story? (v.37) Why?

    7. How did God avenge David? (vv.37-38)

    8. Did David remember Abigail? What did he do in 1 Samuel 25:39-42?


    1. When God reveals His mercy and grace, the appropriate response is to rejoice and give thanks to Him. How have you responded to the LORD in gratitude for His mercy and grace in your life?

    2. When a person asks for forgiveness, we are commanded to extend forgiveness in love and acceptance. How can we forgive others? (Eph. 4:32) Have you chosen to forgive the person who has offended you today?

    3. Drunkards are not pleasing to God. How do you handle alcohol?

    4. God's vengeance is profound and perfect. What do you need to leave in God's hands for Him to avenge?

    5. God remembers perfectly and is always faithful to keep His promises. What promise are you claiming that God knows perfectly?


    In just one brief passage of Scripture we learn so much about God. He has absolute power, and He protects those in whom He delights. The power of God to move in everyday circumstances and decisions shows His awesome might, strength, and divine authority over seemingly insignificant details as well as monumental events.

    Abigail, a woman of beauty and intelligence, demonstrated all the characteristics of someone who desired to do what was right. She was bold, hurrying to make right her husband's dishonorable actions. Abigail was also humble, bowing low before David. Even in her boldness, she demonstrated a humble attitude by acknowledging God and His anointed ruler.

    Abigail's focus was on making things right with God first, ("as the LORD lives" v.26). In this humble and trustworthy statement she acknowledged whom she worshiped. Then she moved her focus to David, her lord, recognizing that the LORD had anointed David as the future ruler of Israel. Abigail testified of the mercy of God and pled for David to show her kindness despite her husband's great foolishness and shame.

    Abigail had a proper focus. David, a man after God's own heart, recognized the hand of God working through this remarkable woman. David blessed God for His faithfulness and protection in sending Abigail to keep him from his destructive plans. God gifted Abigail with wisdom, and she demonstrated God's plan for us to seek forgiveness and wait upon the Master who does forgive.



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