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Esther - Day 4

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  • Esther - Week 5
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  • Day 5 (Friday)

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    1. Read Esther 5:1-8. What took place between Queen Esther and the king? What was the queen's request in verse 4?

    2. In verses 7-8, what request did Esther make for the second time?

    3. What attitude did Haman exhibit in verse 9?

    4. What happened at the king's gate between Haman and Mordecai? What did Haman's family and friends encourage him to do? (vv.10-14)

    5. Read Esther 6:1-3, and describe the timely reminder from the record books of a good deed that went unrewarded. (see also Es. 2:23)

    6. God's timing is always perfect. Who was in the court early that day, and what question did the king ask him? (vv.4-6) How did Haman respond to the king and why? (vv.6-9)

    7. Who had to proclaim, "Thus it shall be done to the man whom the king desires to honor" in the streets of the city that day? (v.10)

    8. How did Haman feel after this? (vv.12-13)

    9. What happened immediately after his brief conversation with his wife and friends? (v.14)


    1. The providence of God can be seen in the life of any man, woman, or child God chooses to use. How has the power of God been timely in your life this week? Be specific.

    2. God's timing is perfect and just, as it was in having Haman carry out the king's command to honor Mordecai. What are you dealing with that you need to surrender to God for the perfect timing of His justice, mercy, and love?


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