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Lydia - Day 1

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The Blessedness of Boldness
The Midwives (Shiphrah & Puah) / Jochebed - Week 1
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • The Daughters of Zelophehad / Two Mothers of Solomon's Time - Week 2
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Deborah - Week 3
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Abigail - Week 4
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Esther - Week 5
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Lydia - Week 6
  • Day 1 (Monday)
  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)
  •   << this study's index
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    The Blessedness of Boldness is given to the believer who will demonstrate through it a genuine concern and affection for the lost. We have seen in the women we have studied so far a desire and commitment to be faithful to God in the varied and challenging circumstances of their lives.

    Lydia was a woman of business savvy and vision, yet she had a hunger for something more than wealth, status, or human accomplishment. She desired truth and sought after God. The rest of her story is priceless for everyone who will cry out to God, asking Him to reveal Himself to them. Let's have that desire as we begin to discover the great goodness, mercy, and grace of God from this biblical narrative.


    1. Read Acts 16:6-10, and explain how God led Paul and his companions to Macedonia. Be specific.

    2. What was Paul's response to his vision? (vv.11-12)

    3. From Acts 16:13, answer when, where, and why Paul and his companions gathered.




    4. Why might this have been a strange place for Paul to seek a "man of Macedonia"?

    The women of that day usually did their laundry at the river's edge or near a well of water. In Philippi, the river Gangites (Angista) was also a gathering place. It appears that Lydia had friends who met regularly at this place for prayer and conversation, as well as the chore of laundry.

    Lydia was moved by the Jewish religion. On this Sabbath day, she was at the gathering place by the river with others most likely to share, pray, and discuss religious life, beliefs, and practices. At this time there were few Jews in the city and no established synagogue. Lydia had heard about and believed in the one true God. She desired to know more. She was asking, seeking, and knocking (Matt. 7:7) in earnest prayer.


    1. God directs the paths of those who call on Him with a genuine heart need. Where is God leading you? Your family?

    2. God commands obedience. Paul and his companions obeyed God's message. What is the Lord commanding you to do that you need to respond to today?

    3. God is ready to meet a person right where they are. How will you respond to God's call?


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